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When Do Clocks Go Back? Find Out Here.


Daylight Saving Time started last March, and some people don’t know when they will change the clocks again. If you are observing British Time, you can observe how days are getting shorter. Meaning, nights are longer, signaling the end of this biannual tradition. But when exactly should you set your clock one hour backward?

Every year, those people observing Daylight Saving Time set their clocks one hour forward. The twice-a-year tradition usually starts in March. During this period, people enjoy an extra hour of sunlight in the evening. Although there are no actual extra hours, it seems like daylight hours are extended because the clock was moved.

So when do clocks go back? This year, those who observe Daylight Saving Time need to change their clocks once again on Halloween. The exact date is October 31, 2021, Sunday, at 2 am. Next year, the clocks will go forward again on the last Sunday in March.

Since most computers and smartphones automatically change, you don't have to worry about changing them. All you need to do is be aware of the changes so that you’ll avoid being too early or too late to your appointment. There are also websites where you can see the relationship of the clocks from different time zones.

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