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What time is it?

We created this page to help you answer the age old question - What Time Is It In ...? We help answer all sorts of interesting questions about time around the world. Use the table of contents to the right to skip to a section that interests you.

See who might be having a tasty beverage in our "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" section. Find out what cities are experiencing midnight or high noon.

You can also get a quick overview of current time in the most populated cities around the world.

We will be adding more interesting sections to this page. If you have an idea, please reach out to us on our Contact page.

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Current Times Around The World

The current time in popular cities around the world.

  Day     Morning/Evening     Night  

UTC / GMT is 2:06 AM on Wednesday, January 15, 2025

* - Daylight Saving Time (DST)

Time Zones

The current time in popular time zones. Easily compare time zones side by side!

  Day     Morning/Evening     Night  

It's 5:00 O'clock Somewhere:

The popular saying - "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" refers to a socially acceptable time to drink alcohol. If it is 5 o'clock somewhere, then it must be ok to have a drink right now. Whether you are looking for a reason to have a drink or curious about what parts of the world might be starting happy hour, take a look below!

It's midnight in:

These locations are currently experiencing midnight or 12:00am. If you are wondering what locations might be going to bed or sleeping, take a look below.

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