Albertans Vote on Daylight Saving Time: To Keep or Not to Keep?

A variety of topics will be discussed in the upcoming municipal elections. The said topics would focus on Alberta’s equalization payments, Daylight Saving Time, and senate nominee selections.
One Grande Prairie counselor thinks that packing the ballot is nothing but political theatre. Meanwhile, Premier Jason Kenney stated that the discussion regarding the equalization payment formula has been long-running.
According to Kenney, it’s time for Albertans to give their opinions on the said matter. “Albertans are happy to share some of our good fortunes when times are good here but bad elsewhere,” Kenney explained.
Dylan Bressey, Grande Prairie City Councillor, believes that spotlighting issues cannot change his mind, and it will not be answered through a simple vote. He said, “I’m curious to see how it will play out, [as] there isn’t anything substantive on this agenda, Daylight Saving Time is a bit of political theatre.”
Aside from discussing equalization payments and Daylight Saving Time, Albertans will also elect three Senate nominees. It includes one for each of the two current vacancies while the other one is in case of early retirement.